Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What a Monday

I thought my Monday was going to be a pretty peaceful day. I was wrong,
Mom stayed up late the night before, so I really wasn't too worried when she slept past 11:30 a.m. I checked on her and she said she couldn't get out of bed and that she had almost fallen getting out of bed to go to the bathroom. I asked her if she wanted to go to the doctor and she said no, she'd be okay.
I didn't know what to do, so I called Jill, our caregiver. She said if she was there, she would have to call 911, and for me to hang up the phone with her and call, so I did. I asked for a silent response and one ambulance came about 10-15 minutes later. Two guys from Cowlitz 2 Fire & Rescue (because technically we live in the county), came in and took Mom's blood pressure, asked her questions, which she told them she was fine. The younger of the two said they should take her to Emergency, but he was not a paramedic, so I asked to wait for the paramedics. Four paramedics arrived a few minutes later, so now we had SIX men in Mom's bedroom -- bet that won't happen again! The head paramedic advised me to take Mom to her regular doctor, so they put Mom's socks and shoes on her, I got her robe and they helped her down the steps and into my car. I alerted the doctor's office that we were coming, I put Gigi in her crate (poor little girl didn't know what to think), changed my shirt and off we went to Castle Rock, about a half hour away. It had turned out to be a beautiful afternoon, bright, warm sunshine and high puffy white clouds. We got to the doctor's office and waited until they could fit us in. Dr. Emma examined Mom and found a very tender spot on her back on her upper right shoulder. She said that Mom's osteoporosis is causing her muscles to tighten. She said we should get some Tylenol and that Mom should get a light massage.
I had called Martha to tell her about Mom and when she got of school she called, so I had to talk to her. After Mom got her diagnosis, I called Martha again. She surprised me by suggesting she buy a baby monitor, which she said would be good when she stayed with Mom this summer. I also asked her to get the Tylenol for Mom and a package of Mom's disposable panties and she brought them to the house. She helped me put the baby monitor together and set it up. And she stayed while I went to get a hamburger. All this surprised me.
After Mom ate her "breakfast" and took the Tylenol, she got dressed and did the dishes. Then we both sat down in our chairs and fell sound asleep. I finally woke up about 10 p.m. and then woke Mom up and she got to bed about 11 p.m. I didn't get to sleep until around midnight.
In the middle of all this, Jill's boss called and told me that Jill doesn't want to come three days a week any longer, that she just wants to come on Wednesdays. I said I wouldn't accept that, so I don't know what to make of this. All I do know is that Mom needs a shower and her hair washed more than once a week.
The head paramedic guy said that we needed to get a ramp and I said we couldn't afford it, but Martha said to call a couple of people to see what they could do.
So that was my Monday. May that not happen again for a while. And thank you Lord, for carrying me through it.

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