Saturday, December 10, 2011

It Just Keeps Getting Better

Just when I am beginning to deal with my grief over Mom being in a nursing home, I got hit over the head again.
Friday morning during my weekly counseling session, I received a call from a man with Adult Protective Services. He said someone had reported that I was over medicating Mom so she would sleep all the time and that I was giving her pain medication and I was abusing her. He cannot reveal the name of my accuser and he said he had already interviewed Mom down in Battle Ground.
I was so shocked I could barely understand why anyone would do this. The man asked me for a copy of the Power of Attorney and he wanted to see all the prescription medications Mom had while she was in my care.
Since I took the caregiver classes, I am well aware that all caregivers are obligated to report any signs of abuse. If a caregiver doesn't report abuse, the caregiver can be fined or jailed.
But this hit me like a ton of bricks. Who would do such a thing to me, especially if they had any inkling of what I am going through with Mom in that nursing home. I feel guilty enough as it is because I think I could have done more, should have done more. But for someone to actually believe that I was abusing my Mom is just unbelievably hurtful.
Immediately after my counseling session, I gathered up what the man had requested and drove to the Kelso DHSH office. He was very nice and talked to me very respectfully. He said he was closing the case because the charges were bogus. He said the file will be put away and after two years will be destroyed. But he also said the police also were contacted and I may get a call from them. He said if the police calls, just to have them call him and will tell them what happened.
Thank God my counselor was here with me and she stayed until I calmed down. She can't figure it out either. I called our caregiver who had worked with Mom and asked her if she had reported me and she denied it and could not think of who would do this to me.
I was in a kind of daze all day. I was just so shocked.
Some people say the person who reported me was only thinking of Mom. I disagree. I think it was a vindictive act against me and the person wanted to cause me hurt in some way.
In the midst of all this, I know the truth and the truth is that I cared for Mom for two years the best way I knew how. I can take comfort in knowing that. And if someone doesn't believe it, I've got plenty of support.
And best of all, God knows the truth. He's the only one I must worry about because He's the only One I must answer to.

1 comment:

  1. Sally ... I hate that this happened to you. Yes, God does know the truth. Whoever did this will pay a price, one way or another ... keep writing, keep your chin up and know that everyone is behind you 100 percent of the way!!!!
