Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Siblings can be a real pain in the ass - Part III

I really am trying to let this whole thing with Martha go and just let God do His work, but it is so hard.
Martha still is not speaking to me although I must admit that I am not cooperating with her.
Susie, my dearest and oldest friend from LaCrosse, came for the weekend. I was so glad to see her, but who should walk in right after she arrived on Friday afternoon, but Martha.
Now unbeknownst to Martha, Susie knew what was going on. So here's Martha acting like everything's all hunkee-doree and I refuse to play her little game. I go about my business, copying a recipe that Susie had brought me (her Mom's infamous orange rolls), visiting a little with Susie, but mainly staying out of the living room where the three of them had gathered. Finally I hear Martha saying she was leaving and as I walk out of my room and start to turn the corner, here's Martha.
She asked me if I wanted her to come stay with Mom while Susie and I went to a movie on Saturday night and I said nope, didn't need her. She said she wanted to come over on Saturday, and I said she was out of luck because we had several errands we were going to do, mainly go get Mom's hair done. In a very loud voice she announced she wouldn't come and then stormed out of the house. Oh, well.
The next morning (Saturday morning), I was just about to give Susie a call when I saw a text from her saying she was having coffee with Martha.
Well, Martha had plenty to say to Susie, all of which turned out to be a real line of BS. Martha told Susie how she loved me, that she knew taking care of Mom was hard for me, admitted that she said some hateful hurtful things to me and knew she should apologize. Martha also told Susie that she believed that Mom was more in tune with "spirits" because of her disease and based her theory on that Mom saw people who weren't there when she and Mom were at the beach last spring. I just looked at Susie and said that is a progression of Alzheimer's and for Martha not to recognize that is absurd. Susie emphasized to Martha that she should apologize and not let this wound fester.
And I waited for my apology which has yet to arrive.
We all went to Martha's birthday celebration at the Rutherglen Mansion on Sunday morning and had fabulous food. I got Mom's plate which had waffles, bacon and eggs and then served myself. Martha didn't acknowledge me during the whole time, didn't thank me for her gift, nothing. And when Susie wanted to take a photo of the three of us, I flatly refused. At least the food was good. And Dick, one of Martha's friends, didn't speak to me either, so now I'm wondering what she's telling her friends.
Today, Martha came over and again didn't acknowledge me. I know she wanted to have Mom say 'Happy Birthday" to her, but Mom didn't remember it was Martha's birthday today. Martha should have reminded Mom, like I had to when it was my birthday. But she's such a little girl, that she just couldn't act like a grown-up.
Susie left early Monday morning. I cried when she left our house Sunday night. I miss her so. She made it home okay and I look forward to seeing her during Memorial Day weekend. I appreciate her trying to work things out with Martha and I, but I am not going to just forget things this time. What Martha said was too hurtful and I can't let that go.
I'm still trying to let go and let God ...

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