Friday, September 10, 2010

When Mom feels sick

Mom woke me up last night and said she wasn't feeling well. Immediately I pictured a trip to the Emergency Room, which we've done several times with Mom. I asked what was wrong and because she can't communicate very well, she really couldn't tell me. So I had to play 20 questions.
Is it your tummy?
Is it a sharp pain?
Does your tummy feel puffy?
Can I get you anything?
She sat in her chair for a while and said she was feeling better. She went back to bed without any more complaint.
However, I spent the night wondering if she'd be alright the next morning or if she would get me up again and want to go to the doctor.
At 90 years old, you just never know what might be going on with Mom. Physically she's been pretty good, but I always worry when she says she's not feeling well. All night I listened for her breathing. I checked on her and heard her breathe just fine.
She woke up with no pain and had a good day today. She ate very well although I didn't let her eat anything too rich.
And then I realized what the culprit might have been - chocolate chip cookies. I think she made one too many trips to the cookie jar. Guess I'll have to put a lock on the cookie jar or be the cookie cop.

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