Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Let go and let God

The season isn't the only thing changing around here. God is working in my life and if I just let Him, He will continue to work in my life.
The big change is my sister. She may still be in denial about Mom's condition, but she is being so generous, I just can't believe it. Perhaps this is the only way she can show her support, I don't know. All I do know is that she is changing for the better.
She announced the other day that she is paying for a new toilet for Mom's bathroom. I told her that our regular plumber said it would be at least $500 for a new toilet installed and everything and that we would just have to wait until after the holidays to have a new one put in Mom's bathroom. Mom has been having problems with her toilet for months and every time the plumber comes, it's $65 plus whatever labor and parts he needs. I think she is putting too much paper in it, so I've asked her to flush several times when she goes and that seems to be working. But the plumber said eventually we would need a new one. Just another thing to add to our Things-To-Get-Done list.
After my sister's announcement, she sent Mom and I a card with a $50 Fred Meyer gift card inside. Then I asked her for help paying for Mom's permanent today. That's usually $50. My sister came last night and just dropped some cash on the table. When I counted it today, instead of it being the $50 I asked for, it was $100. I couldn't believe my eyes.
I called Martha to thank her and she said she couldn't help much, but she could help us a little and she knew that this month was very financially challenging for us.
All I could think of was, "Wow."
Of course I thanked her and she said she didn't want me to thank her, that she knew we needed help. I just about fell off my chair.
This behavior has to be from God. He's the only One who could pull this off.
Thank You, Lord, for this miracle, and keep 'em coming!

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