Thursday, August 12, 2010

Second visit to the neurologist

August 12, 2010

Early this morning we went to see the neurologist for the second time. Her first appointment was only April 26. They put Mom through some tests, such as drawing a clock, naming different items on a suit, writing down a sentence, asking who the President is, what day it is, what month, etc. Mom could answer very few of the questions. It makes me so sad. When she asked how I was doing during the appointment, I told her truthfully that I wanted to cry. The doctor didn't spend much time with us but asked me pointed questions about her behavior. He said the tests indicated there wasn't much change, but he would trust my observations more than the tests. He said that we should try increasing the dose of Namenda to 10 mg twice a day and if Mom is still going downhill fast, then perhaps we should try Aricept. I told him I didn't expect her to get this bad this fast and he said it can happen this fast and could continue to do so. He wants to see Mom again in two months to assess how the Namenda is doing. Hence my wanting to cry. I HATE this.

And of course my sister was absolutely NO help at all. One of the test questions asked to list four animals that begin with "S." The example they gave was "Shark." Mom couldn't name one animal. And instead of acknowledging that Mom couldn't name one animal, my sister told me that the example was a poor one and they should have something else. I responded that I couldn't help it and she became snippy and said she knew that. I told her to take it up with the doctor and don't talk to me about it. I wish she hadn't come. She is more of a burden than any kind of help. Then when we got home, she claimed that the nurse didn't give Mom enough points from the test. I told her that it didn't really matter and she replied, "Well, it would have made me feel better." Really? It's all about my sister and her feelings, never mind anyone else's.

Mom took the whole thing in stride. She just enjoyed getting out of the house and seeing different scenery. I also took her walker. I didn't ask her, I just loaded it in the car and unloaded it when we got out. She got along so well with it, I couldn't believe it. There's more than one way to outsmart an old woman!! My Momma didn't raise no dummy!

The next hurdle is selling Mom's car. When I decided to post it on Craigslist and in The Nickel classifieds, I cried. Mom loved that car. She'd wanted a Toyota Camry for so long and when she finally got one, she took such pride in driving it. She named it "CC" for "Comfortable Car." I told her how I hated to sell it and now she can't remember naming it and can't remember ever wanting it. She said, as I was crying, "Sally, it's just a car." That made me cry even more. Because she got the point and I wasn't getting it at all.

Thanks to all my dear friends who have responded to this blog. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers. This is very therapeutic for me and I may have to call on you more than once to cry or vent my anger or just chat. Thanks just isn't the right word. How about Muchas Gracias.

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